Online Payment Solutions

Connecting the payment application to the credit card processing networks is difficult, expensive and beyond the resources of most businesses. Instead of that, you can easily link to the Bookcat Payment System which will provide the complex infrastructure and security necessary to ensure secure, fast and reliable online transactions.

HTML Link Method for Shopping Cart Checkout

Merchants firstly integrate their Shopping Cart Checkout with Bookcat payment system, then the Checkout can post requests and receive the feedback under the SSL environment to process the transactions. The checkout process and choice of payment method takes place on the merchant's web site, yet the final payment details are captured on Bookcat's payment server, which also takes care of the routing to the acquirers. By using this connection, merchants are also exempt from PCI requirements.

Recurring Payment

Bookcat recurring payment system is designed to simplify and support the merchants who sell membership, subscriptions -based products. This tool is designed to easily manage and control transactions stipulated for rebilling. The rebilling interface can manage payment intervals and amounts with flexibility. These transactions can be initiated either by Bookcat's recurring payment system or via direct integrated posting from the merchant's shopping cart's checkouts.